Home > Case Studies > Mumbrella360 Virtual Conference
Mumbrella360 Virtual Conference

The Brief
After working with our valued client for several years on a variety of live corporate events, this year, Mumbrella approached us to deliver their event in a reimagined way. With restrictions on live audiences due to COVID-19 stopping the normal format of the event, our client decided the show must go on….virtually.
Using various technologies, we were able to bring in presenters live in person and remotely, mixing them in our custom-built studio, and sending them out to an online platform for attendees to view and interact.
We provided all technical aspects from end to end for a series of virtual events over an intense five-week period. This included the Mumbrella Sports Marketing Virtual Summit, Finance, Automotive, Audioland and the Mumbrella Awards and the flagship annual event Mumbrella360 published over 4 consecutive days online.
The virtual events were a huge success, and our client was very happy with the results. The quality of producing a TV-like quality with layers of technology coupled with training speakers and creating engaging sets, all brought to life the engaging brand experience.
Haycom, a part of NW Group, were proud to assist our client in delivering the events during the changing circumstances that we are currently facing due to COVID-19, allowing the events to go ahead in a reimagined way.